
what is mariculture?

Simply put, it involves the co-cultivation of seaplants with shellfish in nearshore waters. The prime season for this industry is between September and April, which is complementary to the May to July season within which most of the fishers on our coast currently operate.

In the arc of our geographic latitude, from E.U. nations, across to British Columbia, the northeastern U.S. to Alaska, and other western States, Restorative Ocean Farming is expanding rapidly.

AOTC uses the term mariculture instead of aquaculture to differentiate the ocean farming model we are promoting, which does not include fin fish farming.

From an Anchorage Alaska Daily News article about the emergence of a new marine-based industry in the region:

“Mariculture encompasses farming of shellfish and aquatic plants and also includes enhancement and restoration projects. — (we) support development of a robust and sustainable mariculture industry to produce shellfish and aquatic plants for the long-term benefit of (our) economy, environment and communities,”

Our coast has to address 20th century issues with 21st century solutions. Ocean-based resource development that employs existing fishing infrastructure which include a work force, wharves, fishing boats, and experienced fishers will need to be an important part of the future of our rural coastal communities.
AOTC’s planning capacity can assist communities to taking part in this transition from local harbours being utilized part-time to include the potential of year-round operation.